The prices for dental services are approximate.
The final cost depends on the USD exchange rate, as well as the clinic's current discounts and promotions.
The exact price for a single service or a full treatment plan can only be determined after consultation with a manager by phone at 0(69)200-289 or by booking a consultation.
The final cost depends on the USD exchange rate, as well as the clinic's current discounts and promotions.
The exact price for a single service or a full treatment plan can only be determined after consultation with a manager by phone at 0(69)200-289 or by booking a consultation.
1. Consultation + Treatment Plan$20.00
2. Anesthesia$10.00
3. Cofferdam$10.00
4. Panoramic Radiography$15.00
5. 3D CT scan of Maxilla and Mandible$40.00
6. Preparation of superficial fissure carious cavity on occlusal surface and tooth filling$35.00
7. Preparation of carious cavity on medium occlusal surface and tooth reconstruction$50.00
8. Preparation of carious cavity on occlusal-mesial/distal surface and tooth reconstruction$70.00
9. Preparation of carious cavity on mesial-occlusal-distal (MOD) surface and tooth reconstruction$85.00
10. Tooth restoration with total coronal destruction (with post)$60.00
11. Aesthetic restoration$140.00
12. Aesthetic restoration with fiberglass post$160.00
13. Trepanation of the pulp chamber, application of arsenical paste, and provisional dressing$15.00
14. Pulp extirpation, medicament processing, instrumental enlargement of the monoradicular tooth canal, and its filling$45.00
15. Pulp extirpation, medicament processing, instrumental enlargement of the biradicular tooth canals, and their filling$90.00
15. Pulp extirpation, medicament processing, instrumental enlargement of the triradicular tooth canals, and their fillingfrom $100.00
16. Endodontic retreatment. Application of antiseptic paste (for one canal)$20.00
17. Professional oral cavity cleaning$55.00
18. Professional supra- and subgingival bimaxillary cleaning Vector Paro Pro
(Durr Dental, Germany) with calcium hydroxyapatite + airflow +
professional brushing + anti-inflammatory treatment +
oral hygiene instruction - initial (1-2 hours)$200.00
19. Professional supra- and subgingival bimaxillary cleaning Vector Paro Pro
(Durr Dental, Germany) with calcium hydroxyapatite$85.00
20. Ultraviolet light teeth whitening (30 min)$250.00
20.1. Ultraviolet light teeth whitening (45 min)$300.00
20.2. Ultraviolet light teeth whitening (60 min)$360.00
21. Skyce (artificial diamond)$35.00
22. Endodontic whitening$25.00
23. Plasmolifting (1 vial)$120.00
24. Crown sectioning (1 unit)$20.00
25. Acrylic crown (temporary)$40.00
26. Metal-ceramic crown$140.00
27. Full zirconium oxide crown$250.00
28. Zirconium oxide crown faced with ceramic$300.00
29. Veneer (E-max, empress)$330.00
30. Ceramic inlay (Inlay, Onlay, Overlay, Endolay)$250.00
31. DCR for metal-ceramic crown$85.00
32. DCR for zirconium crown$140.00
33. Crown on implant with standard abutment$360.00
34. Customized zirconium oxide prosthetic abutment$140.00
35. Temporary tooth on implant$140.00
36. Removable full/partial denture$250.00
37. Removable partial denture made of Biodentaplast (Bredent)$470.00
38. Applications, medicinal dressing$10.00
39. Simple dental extraction$40.00
40. Complicated dental extraction$55.00
41. Extraction of teeth 38/48 (wisdom teeth)$55.00
42. Complicated extraction of teeth 38/48 (wisdom teeth)$140.00
43. Clinical crown lengthening (1 unit)$45.00
44. Alveolar augmentation after extraction - (depending on the material used)from $55.00
45. Bone addition + PRF$170.00
46. Implant opening and insertion of the gingival conformer (1 unit)$30.00
47. Trans-crestal sinus lift (for one tooth, all-inclusive)$140.00
48. Lateral sinus lift (for one tooth, all-inclusive)from $550.00
49. Frenectomy$50.00
50. Decapitation$55.00
51. Wound suturing$15.00
52. JD Evolution dental implant (manufacturer Italy)$360.00
53. Dentium dental implant (manufacturer Korea)$360.00
54. Global D / In-Kone dental implant (manufacturer France)$500.00
55. Ultra-short Global D/Twinkon dental implant (manufacturer France)$660.00
56. Straumann dental implant (manufacturer Switzerland)$660.00
57. Orthodontic consultation$20.00
58. Activation, change of elastics$20.00
59. Change of archwire for metal brackets$20.00
60. Change of archwire for aesthetic brackets$25.00
61. Removal of brackets (1 arch)$30.00
62. Reattachment of detached bracket$10.00
63. Removal of brackets (1 arch)$30.00
64. Retainer$55.00
65. Orthodontic retainer (for maintenance)$55.00
66. Traditional systems with metal brackets$500.00
67. Systems with self-ligating metal brackets$660.00
68. Systems with sapphire brackets$750.00
69. Systems with traditional ceramic brackets$600.00
70. Systems with self-ligating ceramic brackets$900.00
71. Teeth straightening systems with transparent orthodontic devices (aligners)$900.00
72. Extraction of temporary teeth without anesthesia$10.00